Below is snapshot of three of our most popular One – Three Day Capacity Building Sessions geared to adults who work with, support and care about youth and young adults.

Provides up to date and accurate research on the topic of youth’s tobacco, alcohol and drug use and meaningful ways to engage and talk to youth on the subject to support youth to make informed choices.

In our travels and experiences across Canada we have found that youth and young adults so often wanting to talk to someone about smoking, drinking and drugs – but often have no one that they feel they trust, know well enough or are comfortable with to do so. Which sometimes, for some helpers, works out just fine – because we’ve also experienced and met many helpers who are uncomfortable talking to youth about smoking, using and drinking. That discomfort most often comes from a place of not being able to separate their own lived experiences, personal values and having a lack of accurate information to share with the young people they support.

We want teachers, social workers, support workers, youth workers, and community workers – anyone who works alongside youth and young adults to be able to have meaningful conversations with youth about tobacco, alcohol and drug use. We want them to be able to provide real information and have real dialogue about tobacco, alcohol and drugs with young people they serve and support. We know youth want to – and we know adults wish they could so this session was created to address just that.

This daylong session led by two facilitators is the opportunity for a day of sharing, learning and skill building as they provide up to date and accurate research on the topic of youth’s tobacco, alcohol and drugs use and meaningful ways to engage and talk to youth on the subject.

Through interactive exercises, large and small group discussions and engaging storytelling and experience sharing this session will highlight existing assets you and your organization have while providing new ideas, skills and resources for you to use with your work with young people.

A snapshot of the day:

It’s a Journey

Sharing lived and professional experiences, Pytor walks participants through the journey of addiction…it’s paths and outcomes. Sharing what he has learned from young people from across Canada for 20 years, Pytor opens the day with a powerful and inspiring message of hope and inspiration that regardless of the challenges, change is possible.

Youth and Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs: The Trends, Types and Tells

The facilitators, using interactive activities and take-away handouts will provide a review of current trends in the use/misuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs amongst Canadian youth, with a focus on Ontario. They will highlight current knowledge on use, different substances and the much-discussed shifts in legislation and policy around young people and the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. This component will provide youth helpers a greater understanding about the signs and symptoms of tobacco, alcohol and drug use amongst youth.

Use, Abuse, Dependence and Addiction: Differing Needs/Differing Approaches

In this session you will receive insight into the spectrum of use and highlighting approaches targeted for each level of use along the spectrum. Reinforcing the value that as helpers our role is not to say, don’t, but to help young people answer why and how and how best to share accurate information with young people.

We’ll talk about how organizational policies and processes can support youth who use and best practices to engage these young people and keep them, and your organization safe for all.

Listening Strengthens What We Share

In the final component, and using role-plays and other action-based learnings, we talk about the importance of relationships and strategies to build them with youth. We talk about the value of our behaviours: how our role modelling of positive decision-making and share how decision-making is a skill that can be shared and learned.

We talk about building opportunities for youth to develop and work on their existing intra-personal, inter-personal, systemic problem solving skills, and basic decision making skills that require communication and strategizing – all while sharing up to date and accurate information to youth.

We share strategies to talk and engage with youth on substance related use and how to help build capacity in youth for living a healthy, happy, fulfilled life, particularly how they can feel safe, satisfied, and connected. When this happens, young people are much more likely to remember the 3 Things…they matter, are important, and they belong.

Join Three Things Consulting for a day long capacity building session that will help you increase the number of disengaged and disconnected youth involved with your community or school based program. Throughout six sessions we share our experiences and expertise in building community, creating safe, respectful youth friendly spaces, exploring policies and procedures that prevent meaningful engagement, reaching out in ways so youth reach back and strategies to engage those youth who aren’t connected, coming or using the services and or programs you are offering.

Throughout this one-day training we share strategies and stories related to:

  • The Foundation: Building a Community Within Your Organization
  • What Does Youth Friendly Mean…to Youth?
  • Invisible Walls: Overcoming Policies, Process and Structures that Prevent Engagement
  • Reaching Out So Youth Reach Back
  • Nothing Average: Strategies to Engage Youth Who Are Neither Identified Leaders or At Risk

Through interactive exercises, large and small group discussions and engaging storytelling and experience sharing this session will highlight existing assets you and your organization have while providing new ideas, skills and resources for you to use with your work with young people.

Anti-bullying programs are being delivered in schools, community programs and within various systems with many not exploring the roots of bullying: the power imbalance that is created by racism, sexism, homophobia and other isms. This session provides background on the subjects as well as interactive activities that will provide tools and resources to increase your capacity to have these powerful, emotional and challenging conversations with youth you serve and reduce bullying at its core.

To learn more about other Capacity Building Sessions or plan one for your organization or community email today!